Remember struggling with reverse Polish notation on your first scientific calculator? 还记得在您的第一台科学计算器上用逆波兰表示法奋斗的经历吗?
Postfix notation is also known as reverse Polish notation ( RPN) and is commonly used because it enables easy evaluation of expressions. 后缀表示法也称逆波兰表示法(reversePolishnotation,RPN),因其使表达式求值变得轻松,所以被普遍使用。
Analysis and Program Design and Compare about Two Algorithms on Reversed Polish Notation 两种逆波兰转换算法分析、程序设计及比较
RANDOM NOTES OF POLAND The transform of Polish notation and inverse Polish notation in arithmetic expression 算术运算式波兰式、逆波兰式的转换
This article discusses the problem about reversed polish notation in inverted file retrieval technique for full text retrieval; 本文针对倒排文档检索技术实现全文检索过程中检索算式的逆波兰转换问题进行详细深入的探讨;